Cream Puff
- – 225 ml of water
- – 125 grams of high protein flour
- – 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar
- – 100 gr butter
- - 4 eggs (approximately 200gr weight without skin)
How to make
- - Mix water + sugar + butter. Boiled until boiling
- - Add flour, stir quickly until smooth. Lift
- – After the dough has cooled, add the eggs .. Stir well using a whisk / mixer
- - Put the soes mixture into the plastic triangle. Use a star/plain syringe. Spray the soes dough onto a baking sheet that has been smeared with margarine. Do it until the dough runs out
- - Preheat the oven to 200'c. Bake sausages for 15-20 minutes. After that reduce the heat to a temperature of 175'c, continue to bake for 10 minutes until the soes cake is no longer foamy. Remove and chill
- – in a bowl, mix together: cornstarch, sugar, egg yolk, set aside
- - in a saucepan: pour milk + steeping coffee, boil until warm
- - take about 1 ladle of boiled milk into the egg mixture, mix well. Pour the entire egg mixture into the milk in the saucepan. Cook again until thickened. Turn off the fire, cool
- - after it's cold, mix the whipped cream and whipped cream, mix well (I mix briefly)
- ** Make a hole in the bottom of the soes, squirt the cream filling into it. Serve
Coffee Diplomat Cream Ingredients
- – 225 ml of liquid milk
- – 1 sachet of instant nesface @2gr brewed with 25 ml of hot water
- – 2 egg yolks
- – 65 grams of sugar
- – 25 gr cornstarch
- – 200 ml whipping cream (beaten until fluffy)
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