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Bikang Way Cake And How To Make The Bikang Way

bikang way cake and how to make the bikang way

How to Make the Bikang Way?

How to make soft carabikang cake prepare a clean pan. pour sugar and water. stir while boiling until boiling. In another bowl, put the rice flour. Pour with sugar water. mix well. prepare a special carabikang mold and heat it. lightly grease it with oil. Pour the mixture up to of the mold. Serve.

What Are Carabikang Made Of? - Carabikang is a cake made from rice flour, typical of Central Java, which has a blooming and colorful appearance. armed with rice flour, coconut milk, sugar, and food coloring, try the following carabikang cake recipe.

What Causes Bikang Not Fibrous?

Overheating the mold over high heat can cause coarse, bulky fibers. Meanwhile, the mold that is not hot enough can cause the carabikang dough not to be fibrous and tough.

What flour is carabikang made of?

Carabikang cake recipe, made from rice flour typical of Central Java. - armed with rice flour, coconut milk, sugar, and food coloring, you can try the following carabikang cake recipe. Carabikang is a cake made from rice flour, typical of Central Java, which has a blooming and colorful appearance


  • 120 gr rice flour
  • 120 gr flour
  • 100 gr sugar
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 450 ml coconut milk.
  • Coloring according to taste (me: red and green)

How to make

  • 1. Cook the coconut milk while stirring - stir until it boils. Wait until warm.
  • 2. Mix flour, rice flour, cornstarch, sugar and salt. Stir well.
  • 3. Add the warm coconut milk little by little while stirring - stir until smooth. Leave the dough for 30 minutes.
  • 4. Divide the dough into 3 parts, add red and green coloring.
  • 5. Heat the mold until it is really hot (if water is sprinkled there will be a hissing sound).
  • 6. Prepare a container of water and a napkin.
  • 7. Pour the red dough, until the edges are porous then overwrite the white color, leave it for a while then overwrite it again with the green dough.
  • 8. Let it cook until the surface is dry. Remove and place on a napkin.
  • 9. Let cool, remove from the mold.
  • 10. Crack the bikang with the help of scissors and a bottle cap.

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