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Lapis Legit Prunes And What Is Lapis Legit Prunes

lapis legit prunes and what is lapis legit prunes

What is Lapis Legit Prunes?

Lapis legit prunes is a layer cake if you live in Pontianak, it's no stranger that every holiday moment is always there to be served to guests and relatives. making this layer is basically the same as making a legit layer. just added prunes every three layers.

What Are Prunes Made Of?

This black dried fruit comes from the plum plant, which is mostly found in France and America. at a minimum, it takes as much as 1,300 grams of fresh plums freshly harvested from the tree, to make 450 grams of prunes.


  • 400 gr butter
  • 100 margarine
  • 300 g powdered sugar
  • 3 sachets of sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 tbsp milk powder
  • 180 gr low protein flour
  • 22 egg yolks
  • 5 egg whites beaten separately until soft pack
  • 1 tsp vanilla paste
  • Prunes to taste

The method

  • 1.Mix butter + margarine + sugar until fluffy.
  • 2. Then enter the egg yolk mixer again for 10 minutes. Then add the sweetened condensed milk mixer until smooth, add the powdered milk and flour and mix until smooth.
  • 3. Enter the egg whites and stir with a spatula. Prepare a baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper.
  • 4. Pour the dough as much as 4 tablespoons then flatten. Bake until golden yellow with high heat. In the third layer, add enough prunes.
  • 5. Do it layer by layer until the dough runs out. After it is cooked, let it cool and then remove it from the pan.

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