Egg White Zebra Sponge
Egg White Zebra Sponge Ingredients
- – 6 egg whites
- – 120gr granulated sugar
- – 1/4 tsp lime or vinegar
- – 1/4 tsp baking soda
- – 100gr medium protein flour
- – 100gr melted margarine
- – 15gr milk powder (I use cocoa powder, but white milk powder can also work)
- – 10gr meizena flour
Chocolate Mix
- 1 tbsp Cocoa Powder
How to Make Egg White Zebra Sponge
- - beat/mix the egg whites until frothy, add the vinegar and sugar gradually, then mix until thick
- - Enter the melted margarine gradually, stir back using a spatula, slowly ya
- - Sift flour, baking powder, milk powder and meizena
- - Enter the sifted dry ingredients into the egg white mixture gradually, stirring slowly until blended
- – divide the dough into 2 parts in different containers
- – 1 part mixed with cocoa powder
- - Pour the mixture into a baking sheet that has been smeared with margarine
- Take 1 tablespoon of white dough, pour it in the middle of the pan, stack it with 1 tablespoon of brown dough, and stack it again with white dough
- Do it until it's done
- - pound the pan
- Steamed until cooked (you can do a toothpick test to check doneness)
- - cover the steamer with a clean cloth
- - when it's cooked, remove it from the pan, cut it into pieces and it's ready to be served
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