Tiger Pattern Sponge Roll
Tiger Motif Roll Sponge Material
- (28×28 pan)
- 10 egg yolks, 5 egg whites (350 g)
- 150 gr powdered sugar (I'm using 110 gr, just adjust to taste)
- 100 gr protein flour.medium
- 10 grams of powdered milk
- 10 gr cornstarch
- 10 gr emulsifier (adjust the dosage of using brand msg2, I only use 1 tsp less)
Material 2
- 150 gr butter/margarine
- 1 tbsp vanilla
- 1 tbsp sweet thick
- * Melt the original melted butter, mix all the ingredients
Material 3
- Cocoa powder
- green dye
- Pink Dye
How to Make Sponge Rolls with Tiger Motif
- 1. Beat all the first ingredients with medium-high speed until thick, pour in the second ingredient, mix well.
- 2. Take a little dough in 3 bowls, pour the green and pink, leave one plain.
- 3. Pour the remaining dough into a baking sheet lined with baking paper and smeared with margarine on the sides, smooth it out, sieve the cocoa powder on top until it is covered, pour the green, red, and yellow mixture with a spoon while pouring it a little hard to make it translucent.
- 4. Bake in a preheated oven at 175 C for 30 minutes. Remove, peel off the paper, let stand 1 hour. Spread jam rolls slightly compacted.
Tiger Motif Material
- (Tin pan 30×30)
- 250 gr egg yolk
- 100 gr sugar
- 20 gr cornstarch
- 80 gr cooking oil
- * Beat the egg yolks and sugar for 7 minutes on medium to high speed, add the cornstarch and oil. Shake with kec. low to average. Tung in a baking dish, bake at 210-220C 10 minutes. Remove the peeled paper, spread sweet thick, put the bolgul on it, roll it up.
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