Banana Oatmeal Pancakes
How many calories are banana oatmeal pancakes? There are 121 calories in 1 serving of banana oatmeal pancakes. Calorie breakdown: 30% fat, 60% carbs, 10% prot.How many calories are banana pancakes? Nutritional Summary: There are 236 calories in 1 serving of pureed banana pancakes.
- 1 banana
- cup rolled oats
- cup soya milk
- tsp baking powder
- tsp vanilla paste
- tbsp lime juice/lemon juice
- cup blueberries (optional)
How to make
- 1. Put all ingredients except blueberries into a blender. Then blend until smooth. Add blueberries, stir again with a spoon / spatula
- 2. Apply oil in a non-stick pan, pour enough, cook for about 2-3 minutes over low heat.
- Then turn over and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
- 3. Cooked, remove from the pan
- 4. Serve with topping and honey or according to taste.
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