What is the Price of Legit Lapis Cake?
Latest price list for lapis legit cake may 2022 product price malica deffin lapis legit cake kue lapis legit rp101,000 livana cinnamon kue lapis legit rp112,000 typical palembang lapis legit cake rp210,000 malica deffin lapis legit cake original lapis legit rp101,000 6 more lines
What Makes Lapis Legit Expensive?
Lapis legit is priced at various prices, but on average it is quite expensive because the main ingredient is a lot of egg yolk. Another reason lapis legit is expensive is because of the use of butter and the difficult manufacturing process. making lapis legit takes a long time and patience because it is made layer by layer.
How Long to Beat Egg Yolks For Lapis Legit?
Here are some tips for making lapis legit that you must know. for butter do not beat too long because it can cause the butter to melt and so that it can affect the texture of the cake. if you use a kenwood mixer it's enough 5 minutes and if you use a hand mixer it's only 7 minutes.
Is Lapis Legit?
Lapis legit or spekuk (Dutch: spekkoek) is a type of traditional wet cake from Indonesia.
- 22 egg yolks
- 135 grams of powdered sugar (just add to your taste because I don't like it sweet)
- 300 gr margarine + butter
- 2 tbsp sweet thick
- 70 gr protein flour.medium
- 27 gr milk powder (1 sachet)
- 1 tsp speck seasoning (can replace vanilla)
- Topping : Prunes flaked, walnuts sliced
How to make
- (round pan d.16 cm)
- 1. Beat margarine and sweetened thick with a mixer on high speed until fluffy and white (about 10 minutes). Set aside, wash the whisk thoroughly.
- 2. Beat egg yolks and powdered sugar on high speed until thick, add margarine gradually, beat on low.
- 3. Enter the flour, milk powder, and spekoek seasoning, beat on low speed until smooth.
- 4. Prepare a round tin d.16 cm, which is smeared with margarine on the bottom, lined with baking paper. The sides do not need to be smeared.
- 5. Weigh the dough weighing 55-60 gr. Pour into the tin, flatten, and beat once. Bake for 10 minutes at 160°C on top and bottom until brown (I'm on the bottom shelf).
- 6. Remove, press gently using a butter-smeared layer of legit, pour in the next layer, bake over high heat, until browned (I'm on the middle rack for about 8 minutes), top with flat prunes every 3-4 layers or according to taste.
- 7. Finally, top with prunes and roasted walnuts for 15 minutes on the bottom rack. Remove, leave at least 5 hours.
- Stir the dough every time you want to pour the next layer so that the dough remains homogeneous.
- After it's cooked and left to dry, the lapis legit will move away from the pan, so it's not hard to remove. If there are still parts that stick can be helped with a thin knife.
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