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Layer Cake And What Are The Materials To Make Lapis

layer cake and what are the materials to make lapis

What are the Materials to Make Lapis?

How to make a layer cake: cook coconut milk, sugar, salt, until it boils and the sugar dissolves, let it cool. Ingredients: 250 gr sago flour. 30 grams of flour. 600 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut. 200 g of sugar. 1 tsp salt. 3 tablespoons of suji water and pandan deposits.

Layer Cakes Come From What Region?

Lapis pati bodin is a traditional food originating from Central Java, to be precise from Jepara. when cut into pieces, the Jepara bodin starch layer must be completely cold. otherwise the cake will be spoiled.

What Size Pans Are Used In Various Layer Cake Recipes?

How to make rice flour cake recipe: prepare a 20x10 cm tin, grease with oil, line with parchment paper. set aside. Combine all ingredients, mix well.How many minutes to steam the Manado layer cake? steam for about 6 minutes.


  • 1200 ml coconut milk (from 1 large and old coconut).
  • 250 gr tapioca flour.
  • 150 grams of rice flour.
  • 300 grams of sugar.
  • 5 pandan leaves.
  • Sufficient salt and vanilla.
  • Enough coloring. Suit one's taste.

How to make

  • 1. Boil coconut milk + salt + vanilla and pandan leaves, until it boils. Please turn off the stove and remove the leaves
  • panda ny. Add sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Set aside and cold kn.
  • 2. Heat the steam first. Ready kn pan size 18 × 18 which has been smeared with a little oil. aside kn.
  • 3. In another container. Mix tapioca flour and rice flour. Pour in the cold coconut milk. Mix well. Then strain. Divide the dough and add color according to taste.
  • 4. After the steam water boils. Take the colored dough with a dose of 100 ml per layer. Steam for 3-5 minutes per layer. Do it until the dough runs out.
  • 5. On the last layer. Steam for 20 minutes until cooked. Remove the pan and cool kn. Sth bnr2 cold. Cut with a knife that has been covered in plastic.

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