Tiramisu Sponge
- 4 eggs
- 200 gr sugar
- 200 gr wheat flour
- 1 tsp SP
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 100 ml water + 50 gr FiberCreme (stir together)
- 100 ml cooking oil
- 1 sachet of instant coffee
- 2 tbsp cocoa powder
How to make
- 1. Beat eggs, sugar, SP, vanilla and salt until thick, reduce speed, add flour, beat until smooth.
- 2. Pour the FiberCreme solution and cooking oil, shake briefly or stir back with a spatula.
- 3. Divide the dough into 3 equal parts, white dough, coffee dough and chocolate dough.
- 4. Pour the white dough into an 18×18 cm tin, lined with parchment paper and polished with margarine, steamed for 5 minutes.
- 5. Pour the coffee mixture over the white dough, steam again for 5 minutes. Next pour the chocolate mixture, steamed 20 minutes / cooked. Remove and cool.
- 6. Cut according to taste, ready to be served.
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