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Carabikang Roses And How To Make Bikang

carabikang roses and how to make bikang

How to Make Bikang?

How to make a mixture of sugar, wheat flour, rice flour, and starch. boil coconut milk. Pour the boiled coconut milk into the flour mixture. let the dough rest for 30 minutes. heat the mold. pour plain batter. Bake until cooked, then scoop out the bikang cake.

What Causes Bikang Not Fibrous?

Overheating the mold over high heat can cause coarse, bulky fibers. Meanwhile, the mold that is not hot enough can cause the carabikang dough not to be fibrous and tough.

What is Bikang Mawar Cake?

Bikang cake is a very popular traditional snack. This cake is made from a mixture of rice flour and coconut milk. called roses because this cake has a flower-like shape. Bikang cake is usually used as a treat during social gatherings or celebrations.

What is the Price of Bikang Cake Mold?

Bikang cake mold price list latest may 2022 product price bikang cake mold + mini sutil rp65.500 sale mud cake mold / bikang cake mold / apem cake mold rp157.800 free postage mud cake mold / bikang cake mold / apem cake mold rp162.900 7 more lines


  • 750 ml medium thick coconut milk.
  • tsp salt.
  • 250 gr rice flour.
  • 125 gr wheat flour.
  • 200 sugar.
  • Vanilla powder is enough.
  • Food coloring: blue and green.

How to make

  • 1. Mix coconut milk, salt and a sheet of food leaf. Cook until boiling while stirring constantly. Turn off the stove, set aside and let the heat reduce for about 15-20 minutes.
  • 2. In the basin. Mix all flour, sugar, vanilla. Then pour in the coconut milk gradually while stirring with a whisk (don't pour it straight in all at once 🙏). Stir until well blended, and can be strained. Then let stand for 30 minutes.
  • 3. Divide the dough into 3 parts and give the color according to taste.
  • 4. Heat the carabikang mold on medium heat until it's really hot. (Test by splashing a little water, if the water runs in the mold, it means it's really hot).
  • 5. Pour the batter alternately, until almost full. After starting to come out the pores, if it's a little fire. Keep roasting without covering it until the top surface is dry.
  • 6. Prepare a wide baking sheet filled with water and insert a washcloth in it.
  • 7. Lift the carabikan along with the mold, put it in a pan filled with water. Leave it until it starts to cool. Then pry the cake out of the mold. Then crack. Put in a closed container. ENJOY .

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