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Cheese Sticky Rice

cheese sticky rice


  • 1650 ml blendo coconut milk from 3 grated coconuts
  • 10 eggs
  • 450 gr sugar
  • 1 can of SKM (310 ml)
  • 2 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 100 gr melted butter
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 500 gr glutinous rice flour @rosekuliner

Topping Ingredients

  • -3 coconuts mixed with 2500 ml of water then take the coconut milk
  • -cook coconut milk over medium heat until it becomes blendo (oil and coconut milk separate like moss)
  • Mix the eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla extract, mix well with a manual whisk or a low speed mixer until smooth and the sugar is dissolved
  • - Enter the SKM mix well then add the Rosebrand glutinous rice flour @rosekuliner divide into 3 parts alternating with coconut milk. Stir well then add the melted butter, mix well
  • -sieve the dough then prepare the 22X22 size dough which has been smeared with oil and lined with paper
  • -Heat the oven at 220°C, the top and bottom flames are the same temperature
  • -Take 200 ml of the dough and pour it into the pan, bake for 15-20 minutes until golden yellow (according to each oven)
  • - lift the dough, pierce the bubbly dough, then press it with a press
  • -Pour the same dough on top this time, turn off the bottom flame, just use the top flame
  • - 4th layer after being cooked, sprinkle with grated cheese and then grilled for a while as long as the cheese has just melted over the liquid mixture
  • -do it until the dough is HBs
  • -because of using the fire above, the higher the layer, the faster it will cook, so lower the temperature so that it cooks just right
  • -Once finished, cool, cut according to taste

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