Chocolate Pudding With Regal Biscuit
- 1 bks agar agar powder
- 1 tsp nutrijell powder
- 130-150 gr sugar
- 800 ml liquid milk
- 2 egg yolks (beaten off)
- 25 gr cocoa powder
Other Ingredients
- 1 pack of Marie Regal
- Whipcrem whipped (me: liquid whipcream mixer until stiff)
- Choco chips for topping
- Stir well the liquid milk, agar2, nutrijell, cocoa powder and sugar, cook until it boils while continuing to stir
- Take 2 tablespoons of the boiling gelatin mixture, mix it into the egg yolks, mix well, put it back into the chocolate jelly mixture, cook it again until it boils (you can strain if it's lumpy)
- Pour into a cup or mold
- After it's all done, let it cool down, add pieces of marie regal and whipped whipped cream, add more pieces of regal and choco chips
- Store in the refrigerator, serve
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