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Ice Dawet And What's In Dawet Ice

ice dawet and what's in dawet ice

What's in Dawet Ice?

Ingredients: 500 grams of green dawet, ready to use. 1 tablespoon dried basil seeds. 500 ml of cooked coconut milk from coconut. teaspoon salt. 100 grams of green sticky rice. ice cubes or crushed to taste.

What is the difference between Es Cendol and Es Dawet?

Cendol is served with melted brown sugar, shaved ice, and pieces of jackfruit or durian as a topping. Dawet is the same, served with liquid brown sugar, ice shavings, and coconut milk. while for the topping, dawet can be added with sticky rice tape.

What flour is Dawet Ice Made of?

Basically, es dawet is made from rice flour and other complementary ingredients. Besides being served cold with coconut milk and brown sugar, ice dawet can also be added with other ingredients according to taste.What is dawet material? Dawet ingredients: 65 grams of rice flour. 25 gr tapioca flour. pandan paste to taste. 1/2 tsp salt.

Dawet Material

  • 60 gr Rice Flour
  • 25 gr Tapioca Flour
  • 15 gr cornstarch
  • 300 ml Pandan Juice (30 sheets of pandan suji + 10 pieces of fragrant pandan leaves, cut into small pieces add 500 ml of water, blend until smooth & strain, take pandan juice water according to the required amount)
  • 200ml Water
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • Enough boiled water
  • Ice cubes as needed
  • Dawet Mold

Ingredients for Coconut Milk

  • 200 ml Instant coconut milk
  • 200 ml Water
  • 2 lbs pandan leaves
  • A little salt

Brown Sugar Syrup Ingredients

  • 250 gr brown sugar, comb
  • 100 ml Water
  • 1 lb pandan leaves

How to make

  • 1. Mix all ingredients, stir until all dissolved, there are no lumps. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture is cooked. A sign that the dough is cooked is thickened, changes color, is shiny and when removed with a wooden spoon the dough is clear
  • 2. Prepare in a container, pour boiled water, add ice cubes, while still hot, pour the dough into the dawet mold, print the dawet directly on the ice water container. If there is no dawet print, you can use a piping bag with a plain round syringe. Do it until the dough runs out, don't stir it immediately, but let it set for 30 minutes so it doesn't crumble.
  • 3. Coconut Milk Sauce: mix & mix all ingredients well. Cook while stirring (so that the coconut milk doesn't break) until it boils over low heat. Remove, chill
  • 4. Brown Sugar Sauce: mix & stir well all ingredients, cook until boiling & brown sugar dissolves. Lift, strain
  • 5. Presentation: Prepare a serving glass, add brown sugar syrup, ice and dawet to taste. Then flush with coconut milk

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