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Super Soft Sweet Bread And Why Isn't Bread Soft

super soft sweet bread and why isn't bread soft

Why Isn't Bread Soft?

One of the mistakes that make bread not soft is the duration of baking. Baking is an important moment in bread making. to get a soft texture and not dry, you should avoid too long roasting.

What is the Function of the Bread Improver?

Bread improver is an ingredient that is added to the dough to speed up the process of developing the bread dough. This one ingredient will produce gas and strengthen gluten levels in the dough development process.

Why Does Bread Still Smell Of Yeast?

The cause of failed bread making and the smell of yeast is that we use yeast that is dry and too old. Therefore, the next way to get rid of the smell of yeast on bread is to use yeast that is new and not close to the expiration date.

Can Torn Bread Be Steamed?

How to make torn bread, steamed the lid using a cloth, let it rest for about 15 minutes. Place on a greased baking sheet and sprinkle with a little flour so it doesn't stick. then heat the steamer / steamer for about 30 minutes using medium heat, the lid is given a cloth so that the water does not drip.

Material A

  • 400 gr high protein flour (5,000)
  • 100 gr medium protein flour
  • 120 gr sugar (2,000)
  • 50 gr milk powder (3,500)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 11 g instant yeast (1,000)
  • 4 gr ibis (softener) can be purchased online (500)
  • 4 gr baker bonus (tenderizer) (500)

Material B

  • 1 whole egg
  • 3 egg yolks (6,000)
  • 30 gr ice water
  • 130 gr liquid milk (1,500)
  • Material C:
  • 80 butter (12,000)
  • 1/2 tsp salt


  • Bananas (1,000)
  • Cheese spread (8,000)
  • Chocolate messes (5,000)
  • How to make :
  • - mix ingredients A, then add ingredients B
  • – mixer until half smooth, then add ingredients C
  • – shake again until smooth window pain
  • – resting kurleb 30-40 minutes until it expands
  • - Weigh the dough 40 gr each, fill it with filling then round it, put it on a baking sheet that has been greased with butter
  • - do it to the end
  • - cover the proofing napkin for about 1 hour (until it expands)
  • - Brush the surface with egg yolk mixed with liquid milk
  • – Bake at 190°C fire up and down for about 17 minutes.. (You have to adjust your oven each time..)
  • - Remove and spread butter, serve

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