Serving home recipes that are easy for everyone to make and ingredients that are easily available. Inspires cooking enthusiasts. homemade food is a topic which can be of general interest, as well as especially relevant in the current day and age where people value convenience over quality when it comes to their diet choices. Home cooking has been largely replaced by eating out or buying pre-prepared foods, but there is a growing number of people who want to try this more traditional form of cook
1. Mixer eggs + sugar + sp until thick with traces.
2. Enter the flour and milk powder that has been sifted, mixer on low speed until well blended.
3. Add the butter and vanilla paste, mix with a spatula until smooth.
4. Pour into a 22x22cm tin, bake at 170°c on top and bottom for about 35-40 minutes or until cooked (adjust each oven).
5. Once cool, spread with butter cream, then decorate with meses and chocoballs.
Mix margarine, butter, and powdered sugar until light fluffy, about 30 minutes. Then Enter the SKM and mocha paste. Flat mixer. Butter cream is ready to use.
Old-school Butter Cream
150 gr Margarine
100 gr Butter
75 gr powdered sugar (if you like it sweet you can add more)
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