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Zebra Roll Cake

zebra roll cake

Yellow Dough Ingredients

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 10 g of powdered sugar
  • 50 ml liquid milk
  • 50 gr canola oil
  • 60 gr low pro flour

White Dough Ingredients

  • 4 egg whites
  • 1/2 tsp Cream of Tar Tar (1 tsp lemon juice)
  • 90 gr powdered sugar

Black Dough Ingredients

  • 1 tsp charcoal powder
  • 2 tbsp yellow dough


  • Chocolate Jam, Recipe Check #Vianneylim_selai

How to make

  • 1. In a bowl, add the egg yolks, powdered sugar, stir using a whisk until the sugar is dissolved.
  • 2. Enter the liquid milk, mix well, canola oil, mix well.
  • 3. Enter the flour while sifted, mix well.
  • 4. In another bowl, add 1 tsp of charcoal powder, add 2 tbsp of yellow mixture, mix well, set aside.
  • 5. Mix egg whites until foamy. Enter COT + powdered sugar (divided in 3x). Mixer until soft peak (I overmixed a bit because I was left to take care of other work)
  • 6. Take a teaspoon of putel dough, mix it into the charcoal mixture, mix well. Put it in a piping bag. Spray the zebra motif onto a 24x24x4 cm sized baking sheet that has been lined with baking paper.
  • 7. Preheat oven at 150C fire up and down 10 minutes before. Put in a baking sheet with zebra prints, bake for 5 min.
  • 8. While waiting for the motif to be baked, add 1/3 of the egg white mixture into the egg yolk mixture, stir until well combined. Pour the mixture into the remaining 2/3 of the egg white mixture, mix until smooth (don't overmix)
  • 9. After 5 minutes, remove the motif pan. Pour the putel + kutel mixture over the motif, smooth it out. Hit a few times.
  • 10. Bake in the Oven Fantasy MO 888 at 150C fire up and down for 20 min/until cooked (adjust according to the msg2 oven)
  • 11. For how to roll, look at the video

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