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Cheese Stuffing And What Contents

cheese stuffing and what contents

What Contents?

This 6 flavored bolen contains various variants, namely durian, cheese banana, chocolate banana, peuyeum (cassava tape), pineapple and peanut.

How Long to Bake Banana Bolen?

Arrange on a baking sheet, brush with egg yolk and top with cheese/meses. The oven has been preheated at 200°C for 15 minutes, put the baking sheet filled with the dough, just lower the heat at 180-190°C, for 45 minutes.

Dough Ingredients A

  • 450 gr Medium Protein Flour
  • 50 gr Refined Sugar
  • 180 gr butter
  • 150 ml Water
  • Spread: Egg Yolk

Dough Ingredients B

  • 250 gr Medium Protein Flour
  • 170 gr Butter
  • 2 tbsp cooking oil

Stuffing Ingredients

  • 75 gr wheat flour
  • 35 gr milk powder
  • 65 gr refined sugar
  • 60 g Butter
  • 125 gr grated cheese

Making Stuffing

  • 1. Puree the granulated sugar
  • 2. Roast the flour over low heat, tend to be medium, until dry, don't let it brown, remove from heat
  • 3. Enter the powdered milk, then add the powdered sugar, mix well
  • 4. Enter the grated cheese and flour mixture in the food processor, mix briefly until smooth and well mixed, then add to the bowl, add butter, mix well
  • 5. Round the filling as desired, I'm kurleb @ 45 gr


  • 1. Mix all ingredients A, mix until smooth, then wrap, let stand for 15 minutes). (Dough A)
  • 2. Mix all ingredients B, mix until smooth, wrap, let stand 15 minutes (Dough B)
  • 3. Divide each dough 34 pieces and then round it up
  • 4. Take dough A, then put dough B on it, but the dough will form like an envelope, then roll it again
  • 5. Fold the dough again, then form like an envelope, do it until the dough is hbs, let stand 30 minutes
  • 6. Take 1 dough, then thin it again, put the stuffing
  • 7. Prepare a baking sheet that has been smeared with margarine, then arrange it
  • 8. Brush with egg yolk, then sprinkle with sprinkles
  • 9. Preheat the oven, the temperature is 165 dc, then bake for 35 minutes on top and bottom fire
  • OR customize your own oven

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