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Taro Cupcakes

taro cupcakes


  • 150 gr sugar
  • 250 ml Water
  • 100 gr cassava tape, puree (sy while filtered)
  • 125 gr Rice Flour
  • 25 gr medium protein flour
  • 1 tsp instant yeast
  • 1 tsp Baking powder
  • 1 tsp Taro Powder, add a little warm water, stir until it forms a paste


  • 1. Boil water and sugar stir until dissolved, remove from heat (do not boil).
  • 2. Mix the tape, rice flour and wheat flour.
  • 3. Pour the sugar water while still warm, mix well and there are no lumps (sieve if necessary while pressing with a spoon to make it really smooth)
  • 4. Add instant yeast, mix well. Cover the dough with a napkin and let it rest for 30 minutes. The dough will be frothy and doubled in size.
  • 5. Meanwhile, heat the steamer over high heat, until it is steaming a lot. Steam the washing/cup mold for a while so that the temperature of the mold is the same as the temperature of the dough
  • 6. Stir the dough until the foam is completely gone, add the baking powder, stir until smooth
  • 7. Add the taro paste, mix well. Before frothing again, pour the mixture into the washing / cup mold without being smeared with anything.
  • 8. Steam for 20 minutes over high heat, do not open the lid during steaming (cover the steamer with a cloth, so that the steam does not drip)
  • Remove and let cool before removing the Taro Cupcakes from the mold.

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