Candil Ubi What Flour Do You Use?
Candil sweet potato porridge is often referred to as salak seeds because it looks like salak seeds. usually made from sticky rice flour or yellow sweet potato.
How To Make Candil From Sweet Potatoes?
How to make candil porridge for children from purple sweet potato: crush the boiled purple sweet potato, add tapioca flour, sugar, salt and warm water. Boil water with pandan leaves until it boils. add sugar, salt to the stew. Enter the marrow porridge into the candil stew, stir until thickened and cooked. other items•
What is Purple Sweet Potato Candil? - Candil sweet potato is a native Indonesian appetizer or dessert. Candil is a traditional food that is usually round in shape and is added with brown sugar and thick coconut milk with a pandan leaf aroma.
Candil Material
- 250 gr yellow sweet potato (peeled in kcl pot)
- 50 gr sago flour
Porridge Ingredients
- 100 gr palm sugar
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 500 ml water
- 3 pandan leaves (tie knots)
- Thickener (1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 tablespoons sago flour dissolved in a little water)
Coconut Milk Ingredients
- 300 ml of fresh thick coconut milk (200 ml of instant coconut milk, 100 ml of water)
- 2 pandan leaves
- 1/4 tsp salt
How to make
- Cendil yam: steam the sweet potato for 15 minutes, mash it hot with a fork until smooth, add the sago flour and mix until smooth, then make small balls
- Porridge gravy: boil water, sugar palm sugar and pandan until the sugar dissolves and boils, enter all the candil circles, after the candil is cooked, it floats to the top, pour the thickened flour, stir well, turn off the heat
- Coconut milk gravy: heat the coconut milk, salt and pandan until it boils over a fire, then stir until the coconut milk doesn't break.
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