Caramel Chocolate Cheesecake
Caramel Ingredients
- 120 G Sugar
Flan material
- 100gr cream cheese
- 2 eggs
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 tsp vanilla paste
- 200ml full cream liquid milk
- 100 ml thick sweet
Cake Ingredients
- 3 eggs
- 70gr granulated sugar
- 50gr wheat flour
- 20 gr cocoa powder
- 10gr milk powder
- 70gr butter, melted
- 1. How to make caramel: cook the sugar until it becomes caramel, pour it on the bottom of the pan (medium 20×20) and set aside.
- 2. How to make Flan: mix all ingredients into a chopper, process until smooth, then strain, set aside
- 3. Cake dough: beat the eggs and sugar until thick, add the flour and milk powder mixture, while sifting the cocoa powder, finally add the melted butter, mix well
- 4. Pour the flan mixture into the batter that has been coated with caramel, then overwrite it with the cake batter, because the mass of the cake batter is lighter than the mass of the flan dough, the cake batter will float to the top, or if you want the cake batter, pour it first and then the flan dough you can, the flan will automatically go down, cover the baking sheet with aluminum foil
- 5. Bake in the preheated oven by means of au bain marie, fill a baking sheet that is larger than the mold, fill with hot water up to 1 cm from the height of the mold, bake for 90 minutes at 210
- Remove the cake from the oven and rest until cold so that it is easy to remove from the mold, turn it over, store it in the refrigerator because it will be more delicious when cold,
- Hope it's useful ❤️
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