Fruit Custard Cream
- Various melons, apples, strawberries, green grapes, red grapes, candied kolang kaling, cherries etc..
- Cut 2 set aside
Fla material
- 2 tbsp Cafe Cream @krimkafe
- 2 tbsp custard flour
- 3 tablespoons granulated sugar (according to your taste, you can increase or decrease the sweetness level)
- 50 gr grated cheddar cheese
- 700 ml of water
- 3 tbsp mayonnaise
- •Cook all ingredients except mayonnaise.. stir until it explodes, cool.. after it's cold, add mayonnaise, stir again until well blended..
- Put in the chopped fruit, mix again and then chill in the fridge.. it's better to chill over night..
- Good luck
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