Serving home recipes that are easy for everyone to make and ingredients that are easily available. Inspires cooking enthusiasts. homemade food is a topic which can be of general interest, as well as especially relevant in the current day and age where people value convenience over quality when it comes to their diet choices. Home cooking has been largely replaced by eating out or buying pre-prepared foods, but there is a growing number of people who want to try this more traditional form of cook
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar can be replaced with 1 teaspoon lemon juice
75 gr sugar
Mousse Ingredients
250 gr whipping cream, shake well, chill in the refrigerator
100 ml water
300 gr mango flesh, finely blended
15 grams of cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon salt
200 gr white cooking chocolate (WCC) chocolate bars
2 egg yolks, beaten thick
3 grams of powdered gelatin, melt with 50 ml of warm water
2 drops of yellow and orange coloring
Lining material: mango, apricot jam/jellyglaze/clear nutrijel as a spread
How to Make a Cake
1. Heat the butter, just until it melts. Turn off the stove and add flour, stir until smooth. Set aside.
2. Heat the milk just warm enough, enter the egg yolks, mix well, Enter into the flour mixture little by little, stir until smooth. Set aside.
3. Beat egg whites, salt & cream of tartar until fluffy, add sugar little by little, beat until stiff. Add the flour mixture little by little and mix gently with a spatula.
4. Pour into a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, bake au' bain marie for 50 minutes at 160′. Remove & set aside.
How to Make Mousse
1. Prepare a pan, enter: water, cornstarch & salt, boil while stirring until thick, then add white chocolate, stir until chocolate dissolves, turn off the stove.
2. Enter the egg yolks, smooth mango & coloring, mix well.
3. Cook again until it explodes again. Add gelatin stir until dissolved, cool in the refrigerator,
4. After the dough is cold, beat gently, add the whipping cream into the mixture little by little while stirring with a spatula.
Composing Process
1. Prepare the cake mat, then place the ring tin on it.
2. Transfer the cake to a ring tin that has been wrapped or use a disassembled pan, add mica plastic around the edges of the pan
3. Place the cake in the tin, brush the surface of the cake with mousse, decorate it with mango slices.
4. Brush the surface of the mango slice with apricot jam/jelly solution to make it shiny. Freeze
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