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Ombre Milk Pudding

ombre milk pudding


  • 1 Pack of Plain Jelly
  • 800 ml Liquid Milk
  • 100 gr granulated sugar
  • 50 ml sweet thick
  • Strawberry paste and pink coloring to taste


  • Strawberry to taste

How to make

  • 1. Mix all ingredients together except strawberry paste and pink coloring. Cook until boiling. Turn off the fire.
  • 2. Divide into 3 parts, for this screw tin I divide it into 200 ml, 200 ml, 400 ml.
  • 3. Give each piece with strawberry paste and pink coloring. The first part is just a little, the 2nd and 3rd parts are more so the color is darker.
  • 4. Pour the lightest color first for the first layer, put it in the freezer for a while until the surface is skinned.
  • 5. Pour the second layer of the darker color, put it back in the freezer until it is crusty.
  • 6. Pour layers into 3 darkest colors, then chill in the lower refrigerator until set.
  • 7. Remove from the mold, topping with strawberries.

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