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Simple Mochi Kaloci And Kaloci Typical Food What

simple mochi kaloci and kaloci typical food what

What are Kaloci made of? dough ingredients: 200 gr white glutinous rice flour. 2 tbsp oil. 2 tsp sugar. 1/4 tsp salt.

Kaloci Typical Food What?

"This is Kaloci, a typical Pontianak food, with aci ingredients from glutinous rice flour combined with peanuts and sugar," said Lina Lisnawati (37), a Kaloci trader, when met by some time ago.

Simple Mochi Ingredients Kaloci

  • 165 gr Glutinous Flour Deli BALL
  • 15 gr Deli BALL Refined Sugar
  • 200 ml of drinking water.
  • 2 tbsp cooking oil.
  • A pinch of salt.


  • 150 g skinless peanuts, roasted.
  • 50 gr sugar
  • 1 tbsp roasted sesame (can't skip).
  • ***Mix roasted peanuts and powdered sugar/sugar. Then chopper until smooth. Pour into a bowl and add the sesame seeds, mix well. Set aside and ready to use for dressing.

How to Make Simple Kaloci Mochi

  • 1. Preheat the steamer first. Prepare a heat-resistant container and spread a little oil, set aside.
  • 2. Mix all the ingredients. Stir until smooth and not lumpy (can be filtered). Pour into a heat-resistant container. After the steam water boils. Steam the Deli Glutinous Flour BALL dough until cooked. About 20-25 minutes.
  • 3. Remove and let stand slightly warm. Then take enough dough BALL Deli Glutinous Flour. Directly apply to the peanuts for sprinkling. Then cut into pieces according to taste with a spatula. Ready to be served.

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