Tuna Mayo Bread
Bread Ingredients
- 300 gr wheat flour
- 50 gr sugar
- 1 tsp instant yeast
- 1 egg
- 30 gr margarine
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 140 ml cold liquid milk
- Tuna mayo
- Red paprika
- Mozarella cheese
- Oregano
How to make
- 1. Mix all bread ingredients, knead until elastic, let stand for 30 minutes.
- 2. Divide the dough into a round shape of 45 grams each, let it rest for 30 minutes until it expands.
- 3. Make a hole in the center of the bread, fill with tuna mayo, paprika, mozzarella cheese and oregano. Brush the edges of the bread with the liquid milk. Leave it for 15 minutes.
- 4. Oven at 170° until cooked. Remove and ready to serve.
- 1. Tuna Mayo: saute onion and garlic until fragrant, add shredded tuna, mix well.
- 2. Pour in the liquid milk, add sugar, salt, pepper and powdered broth, mix well.
- 3. Enter the mayo sauce and hot sauce, stir and cook until the gravy shrinks, remove and set aside.
- NB: The recipe above makes 12 pcs
Bahan Tuna Mayo
- 200 gr ikan tuna kukus, suwir halus
- 1/2 buah bawang bombai
- 3 siung bawang putih
- 3 sdm mayonaise
- 3 sdm saus pedas
- Gula, garam, lada dan kaldu bubuk secukupnya
- Susu cair secukupnya
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