Why is it called Bread Gambang?
Coming from Betawi and Semarang according to the story, there is a bakery company in Batavia made by the Dutch. he then chose the shape of the bread which was similar to the blades of the gambang kromong musical instrument from Betawi. this is the beginning that makes the food called xylophone bread.How many calories are in xylophone bread? there are 195 calories in 1 fruit (50 g).
- -125 gr chakra flour
- – 100 gr triangle flour
- – 1 tbsp margarine
- – 1 egg yolk
- – 1 tsp BP
- – 1/2 tsp BS
- – 1.5 tsp cinnamon (measuring spoon)
- – 1/4 tsp ginger powder
- – A pinch of salt
- – 100 gr brown sugar / palm sugar, comb
- – 100 ml of liquid milk
- - sesame to taste
How to make
- In a saucepan, mix the brown sugar / palm sugar that has been combed with liquid milk. Boil until sugar dissolves. set aside
- In a bowl, mix all dry ingredients, mix well. Add egg yolks, margarine and brown sugar solution. Stir evenly
- - divide the dough @ 50 gr. Long oval shape, brush the surface with water and give sesame
- – oven with a temperature of 150'c for 30-35 minutes (adjust to each oven)
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