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Donut Topping And What Are The Toppings For Donuts

donut topping and what are the toppings for donuts

What are the Toppings for Donuts?

8 ways to make chocolate donut toppings to tiramisu, it's really easy, let's try it! Tiramisu donut topping. 2. donut topping from chocolate bars. 3. Donut topping from butter and milk. 4. Cheese donut topping. donut topping with chocolate and meses. 6. topping donut sugar glaze. 7. cappuccino donut topping. Oreo donut topping. other items•

What Is Glaze On Donuts?

Glaze is one of the special toppings for donuts that tastes sweet, has a sticky texture, and looks shiny. How to make this donut glaze using the main ingredient in the form of sugar. but chocolate glaze is much more popular than regular sugar glaze.

What ingredients should be spread on top of the donuts before sprinkling the toppings?

So that the topping sticks to the donut topping, it can be in the form of small grains such as meises or other chocolate grains. to stick to the surface of the donut, we can use sweetened condensed milk, margarine, or buttercream. while for a salty topping, use a mixture of mayonnaise, cheese jam, or ketchup.

Donuts Are There Any Flavors?

There are many flavors, these are the 7 favorite donut flavor variants that have a lot of sugar potato donuts. source: meise donuts. source: cheese donut. matcha donuts. tiramisu donut. source: oreo donuts. source: strawberry donut.


  • 200 grams of chakra flour
  • 45 triangle flour
  • 35 grams of sugar
  • 3 grams instant yeast
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 130 grams of ice water
  • 2 g Salt
  • 15 grams of powdered milk
  • 35 grams of margarine


  • 1. Add flour, sugar, yeast, ice water, eggs and milk, mix until half smooth
  • 2. Add butter and salt and mix again until smooth.
  • 3. After kneading, rest the dough, cover with a cloth for about 10 minutes.
  • 4. After expanding, deflate the dough, weigh 40 grams of dough, round the dough until smooth, do it until it's finished, let it rest for 10 minutes, then flatten it using a rolling pin, make a hole with a bottle cap
  • 5. Let stand again until doubled in size.
  • 6. Fry the donuts over low heat, turning only once. Remove and cool after that give toppings according to taste

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