What Does Mango Sticky Rice Include?
Tribunnewswiki.com - Mango sticky rice or mango sticky rice is a typical Thai dessert that combines sticky rice and mango. The savory taste of glutinous rice combined with the sweetness of mangoes is perfect for a dessert or snack.
Steps to Make Mango Sticky Rice?
How to make: cut the mango into several pieces according to taste. Heat the coconut milk over low to medium heat. Add pandan leaves, salt and vanilla. add mayumi® to the sauce. stir until smooth and boil. remove and let cool. arrange the sticky rice on a plate. put a piece of mango on the side. other items•
What is Sticky Rice?
Dragon sticky rice is a food containing sticky rice covered in sweet Vla and pieces of dragon fruit that are very tempting. Besides the sweet taste, the appearance of the dragon sticky rice is also very beautiful.
- 250 gr glutinous rice soaked for 1 hour
- 20 ml pandan precipitate
- 150 ml of instant coconut milk + 230 ml of water
- 2 -3 tablespoons sugar (to taste)
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 4 bunches of pandan leaves
- 2 drops of green coloring
Sauce Ingredients
- 250 gr instant coconut milk
- 150 ml of water
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 3-4 tablespoons sugar (to taste)
- 2 pieces of torn pandan leaves
- 1 tablespoon + 2 tablespoons water
Additional Ingredients
- Roasted sesame
- Mango slices
How to make
- -steam the sticky rice for 15 minutes or more
- -mix all the liquid ingredients and others mix well then bring to a boil and turn off the fire
- - Put the steamed glutinous rice into the coconut milk mixture
- - Cook again until the sticky rice is absorbed with the coconut milk and the water blends with the sticky rice
- -steam until cooked and set aside
Siapkan Bahan Sausnya
- -campur semua bahan( kecuali larutan maizena)aduk rata,sesuaikan manisnya sesuai selera
- -masak dgn api sedang jangan terlalu besar nanti gosong aduk rata setelah meletup2 kecilkan api
- -aduk maizena dan air lalu tuang pelan2 sesuai selera tingkat kekentalanya
- -bila di rasa kurang mental silahkan tambah
- -bila ga suka kental jangan di tuang semua
- -setelah meletup2 sisihkan
- -ambil ketan secukupnya nya,tuang dgn saus santan dan beri potongan mangga lalu taburi wijen sangrai
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