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Nastar Eggless

nastar eggless

Eggless Nastar Ingredients

  • 200 gr Margarine
  • 100 gr Butter
  • 60 gr Refined Sugar
  • 50 gr Milk Powder
  • 300 gr Medium Protein Flour
  • 85 gr cornstarch


  • 2 Egg Yolks+1 tsp Sweetened Condensed+1 tsp Cooking Oil


  • Pineapple Jam to taste

How to Make Eggless Nastar

  • 1. Beat margarine, butter and powdered sugar well.
  • 2. Enter the mixture of flour, milk powder, cornstarch, mix well with a spatula until the dough can be formed.
  • 3. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Take one part of the dough, spread it on a baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper.
  • 4. Put pineapple jam on top of the dough, smooth it out, then cover with the rest of the nastar dough.
  • 5. Install the insulation on the baking sheet, cover the top with a napkin then press the insulation gently. There must be a crack in the dough because of the bulkhead pressure, just press it a little with your finger so that the crack closes.
  • 6. Bake at 150'C until cooked for about 45-50 minutes according to your respective oven. Bake it longer than regular nastar bulet .
  • 7. Once cooked, remove the insulation from the pan then brush with 2x oil. Bake for another 10 minutes at the same temperature.
  • 8. Cool and store in an airtight jar.


  • To insulate the pan, you don't need to spread margarine.
  • When removing the bulkhead of the pan, you have to go slowly, so that the nastar doesn't fall apart.

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