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Oat Meal Porridge Mountain Loaf Bread

oat meal porridge mountain loaf bread

Ingredients A (Oatmeal Porridge)

  • 30 gr Oatmeal ( me: blue quaker @quakerindonesia )
  • 125 gr full cream liquid milk

Material B

  • 265 twin chakra flour @kreasibogasari
  • 25 gr granulated/caster sugar
  • 4 g instant yeast
  • All cold oatmeal porridge (room temperature)
  • -/ 120-130 gr liquid milk** add liquid milk slowly, if you feel it's not enough, you can add it

Material C

  • 25 gr unsalted butter
  • 4 g salt


  • Ingredients A: cook until thickened & become mush, set aside. Wait until room temperature
  • Knead ingredient B, knead until smooth then add ingredient C. Knead again until elastic (test window pane)
  • divide the dough into 3 equal parts, then take 15gr each of the two doughs (30gr total) and add to the other dough, rounding. Rest 30-40 minutes.
  • Roll out the dough, fold it and roll it, place the large dough in the middle of the pan and each small dough on the edges
  • let it rise until it reaches the lip of the pan. (Me: 1 hour)
  • Brush with liquid milk and bake in preheated oven, temperature 170-180 for 30-35 minutes / adjust to each oven.

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