Peanut Chocolate Mocha Sponge
- 3 whole eggs
- 5 egg yolks
- 150 gr sugar
- 15 gr cake emulsifier/SP
- 130 g triangle flour
- 30 g powdered milk
- 120 gr butter/margarine
- 5 g mocha paste
- 30 gr chocolate meses
- 30 g coarsely chopped peanuts that have been roasted half cooked
How to make
- 1. Melt the butter/margarine in a bowl. Then add the mocha paste. Stir until well blended. Set aside.
- 2. Mix the eggs, sugar, and SP until they become thick and thick.
- 3. Enter the flour and milk powder while sifting, mix well using a spatula or low speed mixer.
- 4. Enter the melted butter/margarine mixture earlier, stir again using a spatula.
- 5. Enter the chocolate meses and chopped peanuts, mix well (don't overmix)
- 6. Pour into a D.24 cm tulban tin that has been smeared with margarine and sprinkled with flour.
- 7. Bake in a preheated oven at 170C for 50 minutes or until cooked (adjust according to your oven)
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