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Misro And What Is Misro

misro and what is misro

What is Misro?

Misro is a typical Sundanese dish. misro is short for amis di jero (Sundanese, meaning: sweet inside). made from grated cassava which is filled with brown sugar inside and then fried.

What is Combro and Misro?

Combro and misro are both made from cassava. but the contents of the two are different. Combro generally contains oncom which is stir-fried with spices, while misro is generally filled with palm sugar or coconut sugar. "The ingredients are all the same, the dough is the same, only the filling.

What are the Ingredients for Making Misro Filled with Brown Sugar?

Ingredients 100 grams of grated cassava. 100 grams of grated coconut. 1/2 tsp fine salt. right amount of oil. 20 tsp brown sugar, for the filling.


  • 600 g cassava (net weight after peeling)
  • 120 g grated coconut
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp margarine (15 g)
  • Stuffing:
  • Sufficiently finely chopped brown sugar


  • Grated cassava is a bit coarse, I use a cheese grater.
  • Mix grated cassava with coconut, salt and margarine. Stir well.
  • Take a lump of dough, flatten it, fill it with brown sugar and then form an oval. Do not press too hard when forming so that the result is not too dense and hard. Do it until the dough runs out.
  • Heat oil, fry on low heat until golden. Lift, drain. Ready to enjoy.

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