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Srikaya Jam And Is Srikaya Jam Made From Srikaya Fruit

srikaya jam and is srikaya jam made from srikaya fruit

Is Srikaya Jam Made From Srikaya Fruit?

The main ingredient for making srikaya jam does not use srikaya fruit at all, generally it is made of eggs and sugar with variants of coconut milk, pandan, or duck egg. Usually srikaya jam is yellow, but there are also other options, namely green and brown, making srikaya jam is not an easy thing.

Why Is Srikaya Jam Not Made From Srikaya Fruit?

Srikaya jam does not use srikaya fruit. it tastes sweet and savory because it contains sugar, coconut milk, and eggs. Due to its thick texture and rich taste, the jam is called srikaya or kaya in Malay.

Why Called Srikaya?

It can be called srikaya jam because this jam is a Malay tradition. At that time the naming was also using the Malay language, namely Sri or Seri which means bright, and Rich, which is golden yellow like a rich person.

What is the difference between Sarikaya and Srikaya?

Sarikaya as Sundanese people call it, other tribes call it serikaya or srikaya or miss fruit. different from the souvenirs from the field of srikaya jam for bread.


  • 350 gr white sugar, divide into 2 places (175 gr + 175 gr)
  • 8 egg yolks
  • 1 kg of grated coconut (take a pinch and squeeze the coconut milk, the result is around 500-700 ml)
  • 15 pandan leaves
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla powder (me: skip, I use a lot of pandan so it smells good without vanilla

How to make

  • 1. Mix 175 grams of sugar + coconut milk + egg yolk, stir until the sugar is dissolved, strain.
  • 2. Pour the remaining 175 grams of sugar in the pan, roast over low heat until the sugar melts into caramel.
  • 3. Enter the coconut milk mixture + pandan leaves + vanilla, stir while pressing the caramel chunks to dissolve, stir until it boils (if it boils until it evaporates to the top, turn off the stove first, stir until it comes down, turn on the fire, cook until it boils, stir 10 times more then turn off If you want thicker jam, you can cook it a little longer.
  • 4. Srikaya will become thicker after it cools down.
  • 5. Ready to use for spreading bread, pisgor, etc

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