What is Choux Au Craquelin?
Choux au craquelin is an innovation from choux pastry originating from France. Choux au craquelin is similar to eclairs from Indonesia which contains sweet cream with an outer layer that looks like a cracked shell with a crunchy texture.
What is Craquelin?
Definition of craquelin craquelin is a dough made from a mixture of sugar, margarine and all-purpose flour which is mixed and then rolled and put on the refrigerator for a certain time and then printed. The craquelin will be used as a topping on top of the choux paste.
What is the difference between Choux and Eclair?
The eclairs have a dough shape similar to that of cabbage when they rise, while the éclairs have a rectangular shape. In addition, éclair cakes are usually given various cream fillings, such as chocolate and vanilla.
What is Choux Cake?
Choux or better known as eclairs has many variations. one of them is choux au craqueline. This innovation from choux pastry from France has a crunchy craqueline topping from margarine, flour, sugar, and food coloring.
Choux Material
- 75 ml of water
- 50 ml liquid milk
- 50 gr margarine for VITA
- A pinch of sugar
- 50 gr medium protein flour
- 25 grams of high protein flour
- 2 eggs
Craquelin Topping
- 70 g sugar
- 65 gr medium protein flour
- 50 gr margarine for VITA
- Blue dye
Pastry Cream Ingredients A
- 250 ml liquid milk
- 65 gr sugar
- 2 tbsp cornstarch
- 1 tsp vanilla paste
- 1 egg yolk
- 1/2 tbsp margarine for VITA
Pastry Cream Ingredients B
- 100 ml Whipped Cream Liquid.
How to Make Craquelin Crust
- 1. Stir the ingredients until smooth, then give blue coloring.
- 2. Wrap in plastic, chill in the refrigerator. Chill.
- 3. Once cool, take it out, roll out the dough until smooth and make a round shape.
How to Make Pastry Cream
- 1. Put all ingredients A except eggs and margarine forVITA in a saucepan, mix well until warm, add eggs and stir again until thick, add forVITA, stir until smooth and cool at room temperature.
- 2. Mixer whipcream until stiff, add Ingredients A slowly until well blended.
How to Make Choux Skin
- 1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius
- 2.Heat water, milk, margarine for VITA, and sugar until it boils, remove from heat
- 3. Enter the flour and stir quickly with a wooden spatula until smooth and then reheat while continuing to stir over low heat until completely smooth
- 4. Wait for the steam to disappear, add the eggs one by one while mixing on low speed until smooth
- 5.Masukkan dalam piping bag, spuit ke loyang yang sudah dioles, beri adonan crust yang sudah dicetak di atasnya, panggang pada suhu 200 derajat Celcius selama 20 menit pertama lalu turunkan menjadi 180 derajat Celcius sekitar 20 menit lagi.
- Penyelesaian : masukkan cream ke dalam pipping bag dan semprotkan ke dalam choux.
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